the Bothnian Bay
Pelasta Perämeri

The Bothnian Bay is our unique sea, with which we live and work. It is also a part of the Baltic Sea. Compared to the rest of the Baltic Sea, the Bothnian Bay is in good condition. However, its condition has worsened year after year, mainly due to human activity. Therefore, it must be saved now and not once the situation has grown critical. Save the Bothnian Bay is a campaign where everyone can partake in the protection of the Bothnian Bay. Save the Bothnian Bay is an annual part of the Baltic Sea Day. Individuals, communities, and organisations can all participate by spreading the message and by performing small everyday acts for the good of the Bothnian Bay.

Save the Bothnian Bay-Day

What is the Baltic Sea Day?

Started by John Nurminen foundation, The Baltic Sea Day is an annual celebration in the honour of the sea. The day is celebrated on the last Thursday of August, with the aim of inspiring people to enjoy the Baltic Sea and to make concrete acts and promises for its betterment.

Learn more about the Baltic Sea Day

Information about the Bothnian Bay

The Bothnian Bay is the northernmost area of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia. It stretches north from Kvarken and its southernmost points are Pietarsaari in Finland and Robertsfors in Sweden. The Bothnian Bay area differs from the rest of the Baltic Sea regions due to its low saltiness and its short growing season. The Bothnian Bay is the most arctic part of the Baltic Sea, and the ice conditions are hard: it can be glaciated for six months per year. The seafloor is mainly sand and stony soil, where you rarely see bare bedrock. The flora and fauna of Bothnian Bay are few and are mainly complied of freshwater species.

How can we save the Bothnian Bay?

Each and every one of us can do both small and large acts to protect the current good state of the Bothnian Bay or even improve it. On top of individuals, organisations, municipalities, and schools can be a part of the Bothnian Bay rescue patrol. The idea is that everyone of us can share a post on our own social medias on what the sea means to us or our organisations OR post about how you in your everyday life protect the sea. Remember to use the hashtags #PelastaPerämeri #SaveTheBothnianBay.  Here we have a list of 15+1 ways to protect the Bothnian Bay:

1. Share the Save the Bothnian Bay campaigns posts.

2. Do not leave trash in nature or water..

3. Plant a tree on your seaside plot.

4. Let the sheep and cattle graze on the coastal meadows.

5. Do not snuff out your cigarettes in nature – keep a mini ashtray on you.

6. Clean up trash from nature, especially from seashore and coastal waters.

7. Choose the ecological options to detergents that end up in the sewers or water systems.

8. Recycle rubbish – even plastic.

9. Do not pour greywater into bodies of water.

10. Make sure nothing ends up in the sewers that does not belong there.

11. Do not pee in the sea.

12. If you eat fish, eat roach, bream, herring, vendace and perch.

13. Take a dip in the Bothnian Bay during Baltic Sea Day at the end of August.

14. Encourage others to participate.

15. Demand sustainable action from decision makers.

Save a piece: You can save a piece of the Bothnian Bay by donating a sum of your choice for the protection of the Bothnian Bay here. Our shared donation pot team name is Pelasta Perämeri - Rädda Bottenviken.

Requests for communications material:

Jarmo Pohjola

Mukana Perämerta pelastamassa